
Daily Announcements - Tuesday

Sports for the Week:
Day Sport Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
Regular Schedule
Track 3:00 Field Events @ North 1:30 1:45
Regular Schedule
JV/Varsity Baseball 4:00 @Mira Monte 2:30 2:45
JV/ Varsity Softball 4:00 @Mira Monte 2:30 2:45
F/S Baseball 4:00 vs. Mira Monte 2:45  
F/S Softball 4:00 vs. Mira Monte 2:45  
Track 3:30 League @ Liberty 1:15 1:30
Regular Schedule
Golf 12:00 Sundale TBA VAN
Varsity Boys Tennis TBA TEAM TBA VAN
Swim TBA JV League @ Garces    
JV/Varsity Baseball 4:00 vs. Mira Monte 2:45  
JV/Varsity Softball 4:00 vs. Mira Monte 2:45  
FS Baseball 4:00 @Mira Monte 2:30 2:45
FS Softball 4:00 @Mira Monte 2:30 2:45
Swim TBA League Diving @ Garces TBA  
Calling all Scots! Show your Scots LEADERSHIP today – treat everyone with respect and set the example!  PLAID Up!
Seniors-If you have received any scholarships please come by 2A and give your information to Mrs. Johnston. We would like to honor you during Senior Awards.
Seniors- Please bring your College or University Acceptance letters to the Career Center (2A).
Seniors-We are getting close to the end of the year, and senior check out is right around the corner! Please make sure to get your debts cleared, turn in any text books you may have laying around from freshmen year, and all of you athletic uniform or equipment. You can no longer pay with checks, its cash ONLY. Remember the lines will get longer, the longer you wait!

Grad Nite Tickets are going on sale this week! Pick up your permission slip in the ASB Office.

If you are running for Class Council, applications are due in the Activities Office Tuesday, May 1st by 3:30pm.

Volunteers needed for Thorner’s School Carnival on May 4th from 5:00pm – 8:30pm.  See Mrs. Barber-Smith in 14A for details.

Cesar Chavez Elementary School needs student volunteers to help with their school carnival on May 4th from 4:30 to 8:30.  To sign up to help see Mrs. Sweet in 4PC. 

Highland Chamber Choir Auditions will be held, Tuesday May 1st during lunch in Room 8C. Please come prepared to sing a song of your choice.  We look forward to hearing you!

Are you a Gamer?  Do you like E-sports?  Did you know colleges are starting to offer scholarships for top E-sport Players?  Wanna know more?  Come to the ESports informational meeting AFTER SCHOOL on Friday, May 4th in the Library! 

The 2nd annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament will be this Wednesday at 6pm.  There are only 10 spots left so find Coach Peters at lunch by the gym and sign up. $5 per team and winner gets a prize.  Tomorrow is the last day to sign up.

Are you the next Rubik’s Cube Champion?  Test your skills the KHSD Rubik’s Cube Competition on May 9th (YES - this has been updated) from 5-8pm at Golden Valley High School.  See your teachers for more details.



Club News

  • Kindness club meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 5H with Mrs. Mawhirter, grab some lunch and bring your shine.

  • Interested in The Movement, Bible Club! Come by 2B, Mrs. Slagle’s room at lunch on Tuesday.


Career Center News

  • Seniors are you interested in furthering you education and attaining your career goal in Civil Engineering? if so please come by 2A and ask Mrs. Carter for the scholarship information.
  • Senior Girls, are you pursuing studies in either finance or political science as your major? If so, Mrs. Carter has a scholarship available, please come by 2A for more questions.
  • Seniors-Its Scholarship season and Mrs. Carter has tons of scholarship information for you. Please come by 2A, the Career Center for more information.
  • COLLEGE SHIRT WEDNESDAYS are back!  STUDENTS & STAFF - Wear your college gear every Wednesday in support Highland’s College Going Culture.  Stop by the Career Center and show off your gear and get a treat!
From the Dean...
  • Students are not allowed to park at the staff parking lot by the administration building.  Students who park at the staff parking lot will be cited. 

  • Update from the Dean’s office: Students are not allowed to sell food/drinks on campus.  Thank you!