
Daily Announcements - Monday

Sports for the Week:
Day Sport Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
JV Baseball 3:30 North Terrio Tourn. @ BHS 1:30 1:45
Varsity Boys Tennis 10:00 Independence Tourn. 8:45 VAN
Regular Schedule
Regular Schedule
Track 1:30 FS Kern Invite   12:00
Regular Schedule
VAR Softball 3:30 BHS Tourn. @ Mesa Marin 1:45 VANS
JV Softball 3:30 vs East 2:15  
FS Softball/Baseball 3:30 @ East 2:15 2:30
JV/VAR Baseball 3:30 vs East 2:15  
Golf 12:00 @ Kern River TBA VAN
Regular Schedule
JV/VAR Baseball 3:30 @ Independence 1:45 2:00
FS Baseball 3:30 vs Independence 2:15  
Track 1:30 Kern Invite   12:00
Varsity Softball 3:30 BHS Tourn. @ Mesa Marin 1:45 2:00
JV Boys Tennis 11:00 Wasco Tourn. 9:45 VAN
FS Softball 1:30 Golden Valley Tourn.   12:15
FS Softball TBA Golden Valley Tourn.    
JV Boys Tennis 11:00 Wasco Tourn.   VAN
Varsity Softball TBA BHS Tourn. @ Mesa Marin    
Today is XL Monday. The library will be open from 2:30-6:30.
Scots – remember to PLAID Up and show your Pride, Leadership, Attitude, Integrity and Determination today! #PLAID
Senior Girls, are you pursuing studies in either finance or political science as your major? If so, Mrs. Carter has a scholarship available, please come by 2A for more questions.

Attention JV and Varsity boys soccer: The Awards Ceremony is this Wednesday the 7th at Tony’s Pizza at 5:00 pm. See coach Juarez in room 14C if you have any questions.

Seniors: Please pick up your panoramic pictures in the athletic office before school, during lunch or after school.

March is National Theatre in Our Schools Month.  In an experiment called “Project Oxygen” Google did research to find out what skills helped their top employees become so successful. The seven top characteristics of success at Google are all soft skills: being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing insights into others (including others different values and points of view); having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues; being a good critical thinker and problem solver; and being able to make connections across complex ideas. Where do you get those skills, according to the research? Training in Theatre!  Want to learn more?  See Mr. Thompson in room 14-F and find out how you can be a part of the spectacular Royal Scots Theatre Program!

“We’re celebrating National School Breakfast Week March 5th- March 9th".  Did you know eating school breakfast fuels learning? It’s true!  Visit the Cafeteria this week -  We will have special mystery guests serving breakfast all week, so do not forget to join us daily! 

SENIORS-The FAFSA deadline is Friday, March 2, 2018. Please come by the Career Center and speak with Mr. Williams or Mrs. Carter to complete your financial aid. This is the last week for you to submit to FAFSA.

“Attention all AP students: Beware the Ides of March!! I repeat, beware the Ides of March!! Don’t forget to order and pay for your AP tests at the finance office ASAP. See Dr. Kunnath in room 4P-E or your AP teacher for more information.”

SCOTS: Let’s save some lives on March 14th by donating blood! You must be 16 years or older and applications will be available starting tomorrow in the athletic office and in your econ, government, or US history class.
Are you the biggest Scot on campus?  Want to prove that you are bigger than all the others?  Do you have a special talent? Get your dancing shoes ready and prove it at the “Biggest Scot on Campus Competition” on March 22nd.    Sign up to participate ASAP and get more information in 4PC or 4PF before school, after school, or at lunch.  Anyone wanting to participate needs to sign up by March 1st.  
Seniors: Just a reminder that Wednesday, February 28th WAS the deadline to order cap and gowns with Herff Jones – including rentals. After the 28th, a late fee will be added to your order.  Orders may be placed on-line at or at their office.  See Mrs. Barber-Smith with any questions.

Cheer tryouts are around the corner!  Tryouts are open to all 8th grade, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students! If you have questions or cannot make the meeting, please see Coach Abe in Room 4I. Hope to see you SOON!

Are you  in need of community service hours?  There will be an event on Saturday, March 10th at Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler. The South Valley Soccer Club are in need of students who are in need of community service hours or volunteers. Please come by 2A and ask Mrs. Carter for details.

Congratulations to our Science Bowl Teams for competing in the Kern Regional Science Bowl at CSUB.

  • The Blue Team is Sarah Salam, Jose Cisneros, Victoria Santore-Tovar, Vera Arenas, and Kaled Barraj.
  • The Red Team is Angel Aldaco, Neptali Flores, Miranda Aguinaga, Janessa Aguinaga, and Jeremiah Garcia.
  • The Blue Team finished in the top third of the competition. Thank you to or Mrs. Crosby for preparation, to Ms. Urquidez and Ms. Rodriguez for accompanying the teams, and to Mr. Wykoff for the weekly use of your room.


Club News

  • Kindness club meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 5H with Mrs. Mawhirter, grab some lunch and bring your shine!

  • Interested in The Movement, Bible Club! Come by 2B, Mrs. Slagle’s room at lunch on Tuesday.


Career Center News

  • Senior Girls, are you pursuing studies in either finance or political science as your major? If so, Mrs. Carter has a scholarship available, please come by 2A for more questions.
  • Are you  in need of community service hours?  There will be an event on Saturday, March 10th at Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler. The South Valley Soccer Club are in need of students who are in need of community service hours or volunteers. Please come by 2A and ask Mrs. Carter for details.
  • Seniors-Its Scholarship season and Mrs. Carter has tons of scholarship information for you. Please come by 2A, the Career Center for more information.
  • COLLEGE SHIRT WEDNESDAYS are back!  STUDENTS & STAFF - Wear your college gear every Wednesday in support Highland’s College Going Culture.  Stop by the Career Center and show off your gear and get a treat!
From the Dean...
  • Students are not allowed to park at the staff parking lot by the administration building.  Students who park at the staff parking lot will be cited. 

  • Update from the Dean’s office: Students are not allowed to sell food/drinks on campus.  Thank you!