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- Scots - Thank you to everyone who was able to donate blood on Tuesday. Our goal was to collect 60 units, but I am happy to report that 98 donors were registered, and 74 units were collected! In addition, we also registered 79 first-time donors! With each unit saving three lives your contribution and ongoing support will help save 222 lives in our community.
- AP students - We are down to the wire. If you are taking an AP test in May, you should have joined the AP Classroom by now AND made your payment either online or in person at the finance office. A delay could cost you a $40 late fee. Avoid the late fee and get it taken care of immediately! The last day to avoid the late fee is Friday, October 25th.
- Scots, if you have received a coveted PLAID token, it is worth 5 PLAID points! Make sure to take it into Ms. Nelson's room, 4PF, so cash it in and get some swag!
Club News:
- Attention Fashion Club members. We will be having a meeting on Friday where will discuss new club business and share a brief history of fashion. The meeting will be held in 7H at lunch. Can't wait to see you there!