Daily Announcements for Tuesday 12-19-23








Dismissal Time


























  • Scots - If you are buying formal bids this week, please be aware of the Finance Office hours!    The Finance Office is open before school and at lunch. After school it is closed Tuesday and Friday but will be open Wednesday and Thursday until 3:00pm.  Please plan accordingly!  Tickets will go up when we return from break, so be sure to take advantage of this week's prices of $60 with ASB and $65 without!  Also, the LAST day to turn in your non-Highland guest permission slip (available in the Activities Office) to the Dean's office for approval is January 9th!


  • Scots! Fast Passes for Winter Formal are NOW available with your PLAID points!  To earn a FAST PASS for Winter Formal on January 13th, you must have 50 PLAID points.  Points must be redeemed with Mrs. Winans in the Activities Office by Thursday, January 11that lunch, so please plan accordingly!  See MBS with any questions. 


  • Freshmen!!! Cocoa, Cookies, and Cram will be today after school in the GYM from 4 - 530pm. Buses will be available. There will be FREE cookies and cocoa and you will be able to gain a lot of knowledge for finals. Stay as long as you need -- we hope to see you there!


Club News:


