
Daily Announcements for Monday 10/17/22







Dismissal          Time



VAR Water Polo


KHSD Aquatic Complex








  • Girls’ basketball tryouts will be on October 25, 26, and 27th from 4:30-6:30. Anyone and is welcome to come and try out! Make sure that you get your athletic packet completed before then. You can contact Ms. Wold with any questions"


  • Boys' Basketball Tryouts will start Mon Oct. 24 for all levels. Check with either Coach Valdez or Coach Smith for times.


  • Do you want to send something special to your boo? Boo grams are now available for purchase at lunch outside the Finance Office for $4 this week and next! Grams include a note, Smencil and a sweet treat to be delivered on Halloween!


  • Seniors!! Yes - you!!  Senior yearbook pictures with Carlos Murillo are due by October 28th!!  Only pictures taken with Carlos will be used for the yearbook.  If you have not taken your free picture yet, please call him ASAP to schedule an appointment!  661-332-4170


  • Seniors! Need help filling out your college applications? Join the counselors for college application Mondays! We will be in the library every Monday after school from 3pm – 4pm until November 30


Club News:


  • ATTENTION ALL FRESHMEN! Link Crew will be hosting a FREE outdoor Movie Night on Wednesday, October 19th. You will need your freshman ID and the outdoor event will take place on the grass area in front of the finance office. There will be FREE popcorn. Students should bring their own drink and a chair/blanket. There will also be pumpkins available to paint and take home!





