Daily Announcements for Monday 6/7/21



Final Schedule

  • June 7th

1st period 8am-10am

Break 10am-10:25am

2nd period 10:25am-12:25am

  • June 8th

3rd period 8am-10am

Break 10am-10:25am

4/5th period 10:25am-12:25am

  • June 9th

6th period 8am-10am

Break 10am-10:25am

7th period 10:25am-12:25am


Calling all READERS! Join our first ever Summer Reading Challenge (Links to an external site.) on the library webpage. It's all online, and you'll earn badges and even win cool prizes! Don't miss out...join today!


All Students: Just a reminder that you must return ALL textbooks to the library before you leave for the summer. Come by the HHS Library any time between 7:30 and 3. We'd love to have your books!


Scots - Just a reminder that if you ordered a yearbook, they will not arrive until the end of June due to COVID. We will announce the pick up date as soon as it becomes available. 


Seniors - Please vote for this year's Most Respected Staff Member!  Voting will close Monday at noon!  https://forms.gle/vfoun75RFV7AXfa89 (Links to an external site.)


Those interested in Boys Basketball for Summer and next year, there will be a meeting on Monday, June 7th at 1:10 in the gym.

Club News 

