Daily Announcements for Friday 5/21/21



Today is a blue day.  You will be logging in to your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods.


AP STUDENTS TAKING THE AT TEST - Remember to do the set-up on the device you are using to take a digital AP exam 1-3 days BEFORE the exam.  If you have a school issued Chromebook AND are taking the exam at school, do the set-up and then bring that Chromebook to school to take the exam.  If you are taking an AP exam at school and do NOT have a school-issued Chromebook, email Mrs. Procell immediately to make arrangements to do the set-up before the test.  Good luck to all our AP test takers this year!


Class of 2021, we will be hosting our Senior Awards combined with our College Signing Ceremony on May 27th at 7:00 pm at Scotland Yard. We want to recognize our seniors and celebrate their accomplishments. If you have been selected for an award that is not associated with Highland (i.e. a college scholarship, a community award, etc.) please email Ms. Verde at [email protected].


If you have been accepted into a four-year college, community college, or the military, please complete this form so we can include you in the ceremony (you do not need to include a picture if you don't have one available). 

https://bit.ly/3en9HGg  (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

The deadline to complete the form for us to include you in the ceremony is this Friday, May 21st.

-Highland Counseling Team


If you are interested in being part of Class Council - class president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer, please apply using the following link:  

Class Council Information Packet (Links to an external site.) 

Class Council Application (Links to an external site.) 

Applications are due by June 1st! See Ms. Barber-Smith with any questions!


Hey Seniors! It’s that time of year, we’re having a senior sunset on June 4th from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.

Tickets will go on sale from 5/20-6/3 and they will include food, snacks, movie, games, and more! Tickets cost $15 and you can buy them from the finance office or on the Online Highland Store (Student Store (Links to an external site.)). On the day of the event, entrance will be through the gate next to the front office and you must bring your ID for check in. Join us in our final sunset together!  This is pre-sale only.  Tickets will not be sold at the door.


Hey Lady Scots are you interested in playing golf next year? If so, fill out the link below.  If you have any questions contact Coach Smart at [email protected]

Golf Sign Up Form (Links to an external site.) 


All wrestlers meet at the wrestling room right after school to turn in your gear. 

Club News 

