Daily Announcements for Thursday 3/18/21



Today is a blue day.  You will be logging in to your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods


If your last name starts with an A, B, or C and you want to chat with your counselor Ms. Barrick she is hosting a zoom drop in....well a few zoom drop-ins leading up to Spring Break.
You can drop on in and zoom with your counselor and ask questions about classes for next year, what's going on with summer school, or just to chat!
Joanne Barrick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.  You must log on with your school zoom!
        Mar 24, 2021 01:30 PM
        Mar 26, 2021 01:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 8957 9541
Our FREE copies of the book The Memory of Light are IN! If you signed up for one, come to the library between 1 and 3pm on any school day and pick up yours! Didn't reserve a copy? We've got some left! Just go to the HHS Library webpage (Links to an external site.) and click on the link (Links to an external site.) to sign up.

Club News 
Hey Scots! Here is your chance to be “in the stands” even if you can’t really be there. The Senior Class is selling cardboard cutouts from 3/16- 3/26 (football has to get their orders in by 3/23), so your family can fill the stands with family members that couldn’t be there. Seniors, these will also be great for graduation. The price for a cut out is $40. You can purchase a cut out on the Highland Online Store and fill out the google form to attach the photo you want displayed. As of now, the cutouts will be displayed for the sports and events that take place in the stadium (soccer, football, graduation). 