Dress up days will be as follows:
- Monday 3/22 - "Mystery Gang Monday" - Dress up as a member of Scooby's Mystery Gang OR post a picture of your pet sidekick.
- Tuesday 3/23- "Good vs Evil" - Dress up as a hero or villain from "Once Upon a Time" OR your all-time favorite villain or hero.
- Wednesday 3/24 - "Blues Clues" - Dress up in your HHSD blue and green OR wear any HHS gear!
- Thursday 3/25 - "Dora Throwback Thursday" - Backpack! Backpack! Post your favorite pre-COVID adventure OR dress up like you're heading out on your dream adventure!
- Friday 3/26 - "Mystery Madness" - Dress up like your favorite crime fighting detective OR wear your HomeFest t-shirt! (on sale this week!). RALLY Day!
Order your HomeFest T-Shirt today!