Leadership Tuesday with a little Attitude for Wednesday - February 2, 2021

 Highland Logo Branding our 50th Year


Today is a blue day.  You will be logging in to your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods.

Scots - Show some Scots Pride today in all that you do! #PLAID

AP Students: The AP exams will be happening in May so it's time to get them ordered.  Payments can be made on-line at https://kern.graystep.com/(S(0rcomawr2dskxrqiaoubtcqu))/apps/main/Index.aspx (Links to an external site.) or in person at the finance office on Fridays.  The due date is March 1st so don't delay and get it done today.  More information is in the Activities/Athletics class under the testing information button.  ** On-line store account must be created in order to access the AP test*


Club News 

Hey gamers!!  The League of Legends season starts next week, and WE NEED YOU!  If you are interested in representing Highland, complete the Survey on the Highland Esports (Links to an external site.) page and contact Mr. Raddatz at:  [email protected] that you are interested.  We will meet this Wednesday 2/3 and Thursday 2/4 at 3pm. 
