
Daily Announcements for Wednesday 5/13/20




Athletic Clearance Packets are posted on the link below for the 2020-2021 academic year. Note-Physicals can be done at a future time.

Band and orchestra instruments will be collected on:

May 14th-9am-11am

Good morning, Seniors. Please visit your counseling google classroom and complete the “Senior Celebration” Assignment. We are working on a senior celebration video and want to give you an opportunity to put your personal spin on it. Please make sure that you read through the guidelines and follow the directions carefully. We can’t wait to see what you do! Deadline in NOON on May 18th! Get started now.

Seniors! Just a reminder that you need to make sure that you turn in all of your textbooks before senior check out. If you have textbooks from another school site, you will need to contact them to figure out how to return them or pay that debt. Please make sure you stop by tomorrow for textbook drop off between 9-11 am to get those things taken care of.

If you have the following items Textbooks, PE stuff in locker, AG equipment or athletic equipment and need to return/pickup see times listed below.

Thursday, May 14:

9:00-11:00: Textbook collection (outside of library in drive thru)

9:00-11:00: Collection of band instruments, choir uniforms, bagpipe uniforms


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