ASB applications are now available on the Highland website under Activities and ASB. Please read the Application Information Packet first!! Applications are due by April 17th!
Scots - If you are interest in running for Class Council (class president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, etc.) Class Council applications will be available at the end of April on the HHS website.
Students - Please check your Google Classroom on a daily basis to keep in touch with your teachers!!
If you are interested in joining next year's cheer team, tryout information will be coming soon. Stay tuned!
If you are in need of a Chromebook, Thursday is for 9th grade: A-L (8am - 10am) and M-Z (10am - 12pm). If you weren't able to come earlier in the week, Friday is for everyone and the LAST chance to get one!! Must be with a parent/guardian and have your ID card. Please stay in your car.
Club News
FFA has a new website: Check it out on the Highland web page under Activities. Or click highlandffa.
Have you thanked our cafeteria workers lately?? They are at school every day prepping lunches and breakfast for ALL of our community students. A big THANK YOU for all your hard work in keeping our kids fed!