
Daily Announcements for Friday 10/11/19 Regular bell schedule

Day Sport Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
10/8/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland
10/8/19 Girls Golf 9am @Black Lake Golf Course
vs Pioneer Valley 6am Vans
10/8/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm vs South 2:45pm Vans
10/8/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/9/19 Cross Country 3:30pm @ Hart Park
vs. Foothill 1:15pm 121422
10/10/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm vs East 2:15pm
10/10/19 FS Football 5pm @ Highland N/A
10/11/19 JV/VAR Football 5pm/7:30pm @ Highland N/A
10/12/19 VAR Cross Country TBD Woodward Park-Fresno
Clovis Invitational N/A Vans
Day Activity Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
10/11/19 Shakespeare Festival 8:15am Bakersfield College N/A 122000

Lip Sync signups are today in 12A at lunch and after school. You will need have the names of people in your group and the songs you want to use for your performance.
There was a miscommunication. Girls’ soccer conditioning and tryouts start this Monday 10/14. You must be cleared to participate. Bring your running shoes.
If you are interested in playing girls basketball it officially starts Monday October 14 at 3:30 pm on the outside basketball courts. Physicals and packets must be turned into the athletic office to participate. See coach Parlan with any questions.
Men’s basketball conditioning will start on Monday, October 14th at 3pm on the blacktop. In order to attend you will need your physical and online clearance completed with The Athletic Office. Also, bring your outdoor shoes, and a water bottle as well. Any questions see Coach Smith, Coach Romero, or Coach Valdez. See you Monday at 3.
Boys and girls don’t worry it’s not too late to join the wrestling team. Conditioning starts this coming Monday 10/14/19. We will meet in the wrestling room.
They’re here! They’re here!! 2019 Homecoming shirts are now in and available for purchase in the Finance Office for $20. Quantities are limited, so don’t wait to buy one. They will sell out fast!!
Congrats to this year’s Homecoming Court Nominees: Queen: Gabby Lunar, Jael Ayala, Clarissa Ramirez and Kylie Lopez; King: Maxwell Barrera, Keshav Patel, Steven Kertis and Dee Austin. Be sure to come out and vote on Wednesday for the King and Queen. Winner will be announced during half time at the Homecoming game!
Scots – Homecoming week is next week! Join us for our H Block Party!!! Be sure to dress up. Monday is Slumber Party day so wear your school appropriate pajamas and loungewear!! Dress code will be strictly enforced!!
Hey Scots! Did you finish reading a book in October? Come to the library and tell Mrs. Brown about it, and you’ll get a FREE “zombie-repellent” bracelet—guaranteed to keep zombies away! (Pretty handy around Halloween!) And while you’re here, check out one of our scary books to get you in the Halloween spirit!
Freshmen: If you’ve recently had your photo taken in the library, come by and pick up your ID card!
If you would like to volunteer for today’s football game see Mr. Finch in the Athletics office. We are in need of 10-12 students. Seniors! This gives you community service hours so come sign up! If you work on the chain crew you will get a free meal from Mr. Finch.
Varsity girl’s tennis is back to back SEYL league champions. Congratulations girls!
Are you looking for community service hours? Our local Albertsons is looking for volunteers. If interested please see Mrs. Verde in the College and Career Center.
Before starting SSR today, let’s remember why we want ALL students to read during this time: Research clearly shows that students who read a book of their choice every day are better readers and often do better in school. So put away that homework, put away that phone, and open that book. It will make YOU better!
Club News
Hey Girls Who Code!! It is time to meet again! We are meeting today in 7D at lunch!