
Daily Announcements for Wednesday 10/9/19 Regular bell schedule

Day Sport Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
10/8/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland
10/8/19 Girls Golf 9am @Black Lake Golf Course
vs Pioneer Valley 6am Vans
10/8/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm vs South 2:45pm Vans
10/8/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/9/19 Cross Country 3:30pm @ Hart Park
vs. Foothill 1:15pm 121422
10/10/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm vs East N/A
10/10/19 FS Football 5pm @ Highland N/A
10/11/19 JV/VAR Football 5pm @ Highland N/A
Day Activity Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
10/11/19 Shakespeare Festival 8:15am Bakersfield College N/A 122000

Attention seniors! Are you interested in attending Chico State University? Chico State will be hosting a preview day on Saturday, November 2. Stop by the College and Career Center for more information.
Are you a freshman, sophomore or Junior? Have you signed up to take the PSAT? Today, October 9th is the last day to sign-up. If interested in taking the PSAT come by the College and Career Center and see Mrs. Verde.
If you are interested in playing girls basketball it officially starts Monday October 14 at 3:30 pm on the outside basketball courts. Physicals and packets must be turned in to athletic office to participate. See coach Parlan with any questions.

If you would like to volunteer for Thursday at the volleyball game see Mr. Finch in the Athletics office.
If you would like to volunteer for Thursday or Fridays football game see Mr. Finch in the Athletics office.
Club News
Hey Girls Who Code!! It is time to meet again! We are meeting this Friday in 7D at lunch!