
Daily Announcements for Monday 10/7/19 Early out schedule 2:16pm

Day Sport Time Place Dismissal Time Bus
10/8/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/8/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm vs South 2:45pm Vans
10/8/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/9/19 Cross Country 3:30pm @ Hart Park
vs. Foothill 1:15pm 121422
10/10/19 FS/JV/VAR Volleyball 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 JV Girls Tennis 4pm @ Highland N/A
10/10/19 VAR Girls Tennis 4pm vs East N/A
10/10/19 FS Football 5pm @ Highland N/A
10/11/19 JV/VAR Football 5pm @ Highland N/A
Day Activity Time Place Dismissal Time Bus

Scots – Come by the Student Store to check out some of our new shirt designs!! We also have new Lady Scot long sleeve t-shirts in and lots of sweatshirts!
If you are in need of community service, Discovery Elementary school needs help with their Trunk or Treat Carnival on October 26th from 6-8pm. Dinner will be provided. Please contact Kristen Edwards at 661-330-9724 or through email [email protected].
Freshmen – Thursday, October 10th is picture day!! Please get your order forms from your PE teachers. Upperclassmen – If you missed Spring pictures, please come by the gym to take your pictures before school, lunch or after school.
Do you think you have dance moves? Do you think you can sing? For that matter even if you can’t sing, this event is for you! The Highland Lip sync will take place October 24th in the WAH Mark your calendars now. If you’d like to compete, signups will be October 10th and 11th in 12A at lunch and after school. Awards will be given out for; Best choreograph, best small group, best large group, Best costume, Best Duet, Most Humorous, and the coveted best overall Milli Vanilli Award. FFA challenges Drama, ASB and you to a Lip Sync Battle! Prepare now
Girls Soccer begins today. ALL paperwork must be completed and submitted to athletics office before you are allowed to begin. No girls are allowed to train without paperwork.
Club News