Swim vs Independence at Jefferson Park Pool
- What
- Swim vs Independence at Jefferson Park Pool
- When
- 3/14/2023, 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Where
- Jefferson Park, 801 Bernard St, Bakersfield, CA 93305, USA
- Bus Quantity - 1
- Trip # - 295207
- Release Time - 1:45pm
- Departure Time - 2pm
- Return Time - 7pm
Lane assignments as follows:
East: Lanes 1 and 4
Highland: Lanes 2 and 5
Independence: Lanes 3 and 6
No JV 500s
Schools limited to 2 entries per event per division
As agreed boys and girls JV 50 free events will have extra non scoring exhibition. Put swimmers in appropriate lanes and mark exhibition.
Unofficial relays or swimmers must be clear marked exhibition in team manager.